The Professional Training programmes at Birmingham College are designed and developed by experts and professionals who have been working in the specified fields for many years. The programmes follow the successful British template with international influences to offer a truly unique and innovative take on professional training. The team includes professors from top ranked universities in the UK and abroad, higher education lecturers and managers.
Birmingham College professional training courses have become very attractive due to the up-to-date and highly relevant lectures and workshops that also take into consideration traditional techniques and approaches. They are delivered by experienced professionals who consider the participants’ individual needs when delivering, hence many of the programmes are tailor made to suit the needs of our clients.
The professional training programmes can be delivered in the UK or in the host country. Participants would apply via the General Visitor Visa route.
Course Options

Head Teachers Training
IELTS Teacher Training
Early Years Teacher Qualification
Early Years Leadership & Manager Qualification
PHD / DBA Research Proposal Development Progamme
Vocational Training
Medical Leadership Management Tour
Public Building Energy Saving Programme
Quality Assurance Consultation & Training
The Executive Business Management Programme for Kurdish Business Leaders
Executive Training
+British TESOL CPD

Continual Professional Development is an essential feature in any career path. It provides evidence of commitment on the part of both the teacher and the school managers. This programme updates ELT/EFL teachers with what is happening in British ELT schools and colleges as well as helping to develop participants’ own teaching.
Birmingham College enables schools, colleges and universities to update the knowledge and skills of their teaching staff in this CPD programme which focuses on key areas, including lesson planning, the learner profiles, classroom management, teaching the four skills, language acquisition, assessment, effective ways of using resources and teaching skills. The programme takes a workshop approach and there are opportunities for networking.
The focus of the training is adjusted to meet the needs of the participants. For example, young learners, very young learners, secondary pupils or adults.
The programme can be delivered in the organisation’s own country or at the College campus in the UK, where cultural trips and school visits can be arranged. Successful participants will be awarded a Birmingham College British CPD Certificate.
- To provide an insight into approaches in ELT in the UK
- To develop the individual’s English language skills and knowledge
- To manage the challenges of teaching and achieve goals set out by schools and education institutions
- To promote the concept of self-reflection in professional practice
- To stimulate motivation for Continuing Professional Development
- To emphasise student-centred learning, personalisation and the value of promoting Learner Autonomy
- To develop skills to help a learner’s ability to work independently and effectively improve
- To demonstrate recent developments and practice in UK education, plus introduce underpinning theories to support them.
CPD is an important part of belonging to an organisation and takes place across all the stages of a teacher’s career. It helps teachers build professional relationships, develop personal objectives, share and learn from each other. It also helps managers and heads get the best of their teachers.
Keith Harding (in Modern English Teacher Volume 18 Number 3, July 2009) suggests that the characteristics of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are:
- Continuous – professionals should always be looking for ways to deal with new challenges and improve performance.
- The responsibility of the individual teacher – who identifies his or her own needs and how to meet those needs.
- Evaluative rather than descriptive – so that the teacher understands the impact of the activity.
- An essential component of professional life, not an extra.
- Course Fundamentals
- Language Acquisition
- The Study of English & Language awareness
- Teaching the Four Language Skills
- Teaching Techniques, Methods and Approaches
- Methods of Assessment & Testing
- Lesson Planning
- Classroom Management & Class organisation
- Effective use of Aids and Resources
- The Learner Profile
- Teaching Skills
- Developing and Improving Teaching Materials
The college has a team of experienced trainers who all have vast experience of delivering the programme overseas. All trainers are native speakers and are highly qualified.
The Programme is delivered through workshops, seminars, classroom activities and teaching. The sessions are designed to be thought provoking, interactive and enjoyable.
Scheduled Dates
Please contact the programme co-ordinator or a member of the Birmingham College teacher training team on the details below to discuss scheduling in more detail.
The BRITISH TESOL CPD in ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Certificate will be awarded by Birmingham College upon successful completion of the programme.
This programme will be delivered to meet the sponsor’s specific requirements and hence the entry requirements will also be determined according to the delivery of the programme
However it is desirable that all participants show an active interest in teaching English.
The duration of the programme is up to 30 contact hours, plus time for self study. We ask for 100% attendance.
Please contact the programme co-ordinator or a member of the Birmingham College teacher training team on the details below to discuss fees, payment options in more detail.
Head Teachers Training

Following Birmingham College’s successful Head Teachers’ Conference at Beijing Normal University, China in April 2012, we have continued to develop our programme.
This certificate encourages head teachers and principals of schools and colleges to update their knowledge and managerial skills in a Continuing Professional Development programme which focuses on key areas, including recruiting staff and CPD, leadership and strategic planning, risk management, performance management of teachers and Quality Assurance implementation. The programme consists of workshops and there are opportunities for networking.
A high level of English is not essential for the programme because translators can be available on mono-lingual programmes which are run overseas.
The programme can be delivered in the organisation’s own country or at the College campus in the UK, where trips and visits can be arranged. Successful participants will be awarded a Birmingham College British CPD Certificate.
To provide an opportunity to enhance the principle professional skills in three major and interrelated priorities for the educational manager:
- Developing and maintaining quality
- Effective resource management
- Strategic planning and the management of change
To enable principals to transcend both national and sector boundaries in their thinking and to draw on a wider range of insights derived from good practice and research evidence.
To help educational managers to improve their own practice by encouraging critical reflection on management processes.
Centre for Educational Leadership and Management based core unit :
- Leadership and Strategic Management Education and Management
- Educational Leadership
- Leadership of Effective Schools
- Collegiality and Teamwork in Schools
- Managing and Responding to Change
- Managing the Curriculum
- Curriculum and Learning
- The School as a Learning Organisation
- Self-Evaluation and Inspection
- Managing Quality in Education
- Improving Schools from Within using Action Research
- Monitoring and Reviewing Staff Performance
- Motivation and Delegation
The college has a team of experienced trainers who all have vast experience of delivering the programme overseas. All trainers are native speakers and are highly qualified.
The Programme is delivered through workshops, seminars, classroom activities and teaching. The sessions are designed to be thought provoking, interactive and enjoyable.
For more information about any of the following please contact the programme co-ordinator or a member of the Birmingham College teacher training team at info@birmingham-college.com or +44 (0) 121 212 0888:
- Award
- Duration
- Dates
- Entry Requirements
- Fees
Vocational Training

Birmingham College is currently working with leading institutes and organisations in providing innovative education solutions.
We believe Vocational Education will play a big role in supplying the global markets with the skilled labour force it requires and we hope to be able to meet that demand.
Economic Benefits:
- Economic Growth
- Employee Productivity
- Employment Opportunities
- Career Development
- Earnings
Social Benefits:
- Social Cohesion
- Crime Reduction
- Life Satisfaction
- Individual Motivation
- Auto Car Maintenance Mechanic - Certificate
- Professional Auto Car Technician - Diploma
- Manufacturer Specific Advanced Training (MSAT) Programme - “Master Technician”
- Certificate in Animation and Animation for Games Design
- Diploma in Animation and Animation for Games Design
- Higher Diploma in Animation and Animation for Games Design
Executive Training

- Intro
- Leadership &
Management - Finance
- Marketing
- Global
English - Social
Development - Other
- More
Birmingham College offers high quality Executive Education and management training programmes that will unleash the optimum potential of the individuals and organisations in carrying out their assigned tasks.
Why Birmingham College Executive Programmes?
- Our education and training will enhance business performance
- Our professional trainers will provide world class insights into the subjects
- We endeavour to provide a space where all professionals can work together with world organisations to provide a global perspective
- We endeavour to deliver the most flexible learning solutions
- Executive Programme in Effective Leadership
- Executive Programme in Effective International Management
- Executive Programme for Women Leaders
- Executive Programme for Non-Profit Leaders
- Executive Programme in Social Entrepreneurship
- Executive Programme in Finance and Accounting
- Executive Programme in developing Strategic Financial Leadership
- Executive Programme in Financial Risk Management
- Executive Programme in Enterprise, Microfinance and Local Development
- Executive Programme in Strategic Marketing
- Executive Programme in English Language
- Executive Programme in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Executive Programme in Developing English for Energy Sector
- Executive Programme in Environmental Sustainability and Governance
- Executive Programme in Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
- Executive Training and Development in International Labour Standards
- Executive Training and Development in Social Protection
- Executive Training and Development in Learning Methodology and Technology
- Executive Programme in Retail Management
- Executive Programme in Hair Dressing
- Executive Programme in Dentistry
- Executive Programme in Medicine
Custom made
We can also design and develop Executive Programmes tailor made to suit your organisations needs and requirements.
More Information
If you are interested in attending or hosting any of the above programmes please contact the Executive Programme co-ordinator for more information on:
- Award
- Duration
- Scheduled Dates
- Entry Requirements
- Fees
Quality Assurance Consultation & Training

Birmingham College has considerable experience of validation processes at university level and with external accreditation bodies. We use QA evidence to main standards and direct policy by using a range of tools which involve staff and students as much as senior management.
We are happy to share 'best practice' in QA by inspecting and making recommendations on the systems and processes of your educational institute as well as training your staff to follow and understand the benefits of the procedures followed in the UK. Birmingham College will produce a report based on an inspection of your current QA procedures and practices and provide a framework and templates to develop your systems.
Following an inspection, your educational institute can become a partner of Birmingham College. This means we validate your English language-related courses and successful students can receive an Birmingham College certificate for the course in addition to your own awards.
Show the world that your institute meets the standards of accredited UK schools and colleges.
Public Building Energy Saving Programme

Public Building Energy Saving Programme: A research based training programme for overseas professionals, lecturers, researchers and government & non-government officials.
Key Features
- An introductory level education programme
- Excellent, comprehensive content
- Comprehensive detailed materials
- Written and delivered by experienced industry practitioners
- Specialist and sector specific modules
- Extensive support and resource material
- Structured to meet the needs of the industry
- Course work
- End of programme assessment
- Continuous Professional Development
Key Benefits
- Improved knowledge, developed skills
- Enhanced workplace performance
- Career progression
- International outlook
- Practitioner perspectives
- Global Outreach
- 3 Months
Delivery Structure
- 6 weeks – Delivery of the programme
- 4 weeks – Research, Assessment and Field study
- 2 weeks – Visit to various business and industry e.g. Airport
- The programme will be delivered in English.
The attendance of the course is a compulsory requirement for applicants. The course is a 3 day a week full-time programme with a minimum of 4 hours a day. The study hours will be made up of class teaching, seminars, workshops, visits and one-to-one tutorials.
- Introduction: Public Building Energy Saving
- Global Drivers for Building Energy Efficiency
- Historical Overview of Energy Usage Public Buildings
- Passive Renewable Technology
- Building Design
- Passive Renewable Energy use in Buildings
- Direct and Indirect Gain Systems
- Passive Solar Cooling
- Day Lighting
- Integrated ‘Active’ Renewable & Novel Systems
- Consumer Protection And Enforcement For Energy Savings In The UK
- Best ways To Apply the Regulations in Practice
- Fall and Winter Energy-Saving Tips
- Energy-saving tips for Public Buildings
- Saving Energy in Europe: 15 Good Practice : Case Study of the Warm Front Scheme, England -
- Promoting Energy Efficiency In Buildings
- Energy Technologies for Public Building
- A research report on Public Building Energy Saving in the UK (maximum 5,000 words)
- A filed report (2500 words)
- A case study (3000 words)
- Professional Presentation (30 mins)
The tuition fee for the programme is £5000 per participant inclusive of tuition fees, course materials and tax.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a Birmingham College “Professional Diploma in Public Building Energy Saving”, recording length of attendance, achievements and a progress report written by a senior member of the teaching staff at the college.
Please contact the college on info@birmingham-college.com for more information.
Medical Leadership Management Tour

The Medical Leadership Management Tour is an exciting initiative in response to achieve the improvement in quality in health service that is desired.
This tour focuses on exploring the links between effective leadership and improving organisations, services and health.
- Doctors including Consultants and General Practitioners
- Individual professionals who are looking to enhance their managerial and leadership responsibilities and contributions to improve the way healthcare is delivered.
- Clinicians and senior managers who wish to develop their management knowledge and leadership skills through a course that emphasises innovation and creative problem solving firmly based in real practical healthcare service delivery.
- Medical managers
- an innovative, creative emphasis on medical management
- key note presentations from leading players in the field of medical field
- professional academics
- experienced medical managers from within the NHS and the independent sector
- Visits to hospitals
- NHS Strategy, Policy & Organisation
- Leadership & Principles
- Managing Employees & Creating a High Performance Team
- Managing & Improving Services
- Personal Development & Demonstrating Personal Qualities
- Visits to hospitals / universities
- From one week to two weeks
The Executive Business Management Programme For Kurdish Business Leaders

- Intro
- Mission
- Aims &
Objectives - Who Should
Attend - Programme
Structure - Programme
Duration - Programme
Dates - Award
- Fees
- Key
Topics - Application
Procedures - How to
Register - More
Today when the world is moving towards global internationalisation, at Birmingham College we realise the importance of a global perspective and its value in the world we live in, that’s why we have developed a series of Executive Education Programmes.
The Executive Training programmes at Birmingham College are designed and developed by experts and professionals who have been working in their fields for many years. The programmes follow the successful British template with international influences to offer a truly unique and innovative take on professional training. The team includes professors from top ranked universities in the UK and abroad, higher education lecturers and managers.
Birmingham College training courses have become very attractive due to the up-to-date and highly relevant lectures and workshops that also take into consideration traditional techniques and approaches. They are delivered by experienced professionals who consider the participants’ individual needs when delivering; hence many of the programmes are tailor-made to suit the needs of our clients.
In order to become better integrated into the global marketplace, Kurdistan’s managers must learn to respond to the radical changes sweeping the economy, education and society. This poses complex challenges for managers, business leaders and the entire community, and also demands a high level of leadership expertise.
We have realised that there is a fundamental need to provide specialist training to leaders of government, public and private organisations and qualified individual who are interested in building careers to higher management positions and recognise those challenges and capitalize on the resulting opportunities.
The educational mission of the Executive Education Programme Series is to develop the management competencies professionals need to succeed by:
- Building a strong foundation of integrated, cross-functional knowledge;
- Expanding their understanding of new global strategic imperatives and organizational capabilities;
- Gaining exposure to the socio-economic and political forces transforming the world; and
- Developing their personal management capabilities and leadership skills.
The content and structure of the programme is guided by one primary goal to make the learning appropriate and actionable for the participants. It has been developed to meet a wide variety of objectives:
- To impart a deeper understanding of the core business and key challenges.
- To develop a shared vision and unity of purpose.
- To increase communication and networking amongst management at all levels of the organization.
- To deepen management knowledge of organizational approaches and how to translate concepts into practice.
- To develop understanding and improve their individual management styles and approaches to decision making.
- To guide management in developing strategies for operating in a competitive business environment.
The Programme is specially designed for people who fall in the following two categories:
- Experienced professionals from Business, Industry, Education, Trade and Commerce. Under these categories, applications are welcomefrom general manager, managing director, partner, CEO, owner, administrator, principal, and director of government, private and public business and services.
- Fresh graduates and qualified persons without relevant experience. Under this category, applications are welcome from graduates and post graduates from the fields of business administration, individual members of business and professional associations and qualified individuals.
The EBM Programme proposes a multi-module approach for the programme and is built around a series of daily key themes. The seminars will be led by experienced academics who are specialists in their field. They will seek to provide an overview of their subject, highlight current issues in the UK, and relate to the learning needs identified by the group.
The Academic sessions are combined with Social and Cultural activities to provide participants with a enjoyable experience.
NB Please note this is an indicative schedule only –sessions and scheduling are subject to ongoing planning and change.
This programme can be arranged for a minimum duration of one week and maximum 4 weeks.
This programme has no set date and is made available as per the client’s request. However we require a minimum notice period of 4 weeks for planning and preparation purposes.
After successfully completing the programme participants will be awarded an ‘Executive Diploma in Strategic Leadership’. This programme does not require examinations to be taken, but all participants are expected to complete required worksheets and become involved with group led activities and discussions.
- Management Study Workshops & Seminars
- Cultural & Academic visits as requested by organisers
- Accommodation: three / four star hotel with single room / shared
- Food Arrangements: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
- Local Travel costs to and from college and places of visit
- Airport Pick Up & drop off
A 2 week EBM programme includes
- Special Seminar A: Developing Vision & Values Leadership & Leading Change
- Special Seminar B : Developing Brands
- Special Seminar C: Setting up Businesses in the UK
- Special Seminar D: Understanding key aspects of doing business in the UK; British Laws, legislations, tax systems
- Special Seminar E: Foreign Investment in UK
- Special Seminar F: People Management Approaches
- Special Seminar G: Financial Risk Management
We are delighted that you are considering attending the Executive Education Programme. To make it as easy for you as possible we have provided you with step by step instructions below.
- Step 1:
Complete Registration Form
Attach Passport Page
Attach Passport Sized Photograph - Step 2:
Make Fee Payment
Receive Invitation Letters
- Step 3:
Submit Visa Application
Pre - Departures Briefing - Step 4:
Arrive in the UK to attend the Executive Education Programme
Please Complete The Registration Form And Return To The College On
To request more information please contact the programme leader at the college / partner institute for any queries you may have.
Early Years Leadership & Manager Qualification

The programme is designed to equip managers and leaders of early years settings with the knowledge and skills to ensure high quality experiences for young children and babies. High quality provision is characterised by three key factors of workforce, practice and environment.
With the child at the centre these factors interact and enable the children’s enjoyment, well-being, learning, development and positive long term outcomes. The programme promotes self-audit and practice improvement in each of these areas.
- leaders and managers currently or recently working in Early Childhood services
- professionals who have specific experience or interest in setting up early years provision
- professionals who wish to develop their career at an international level
The programme is designed for overseas:
There are significant benefits to attending the course. The programme will:
- Build on your prior experience to develop and extend your skills as an early years leader and manager
- Provide you with an overview of the government standards, framework and principles for learning, development and care for children under five in England.
- Enhance your understanding of how to ensure high quality learning, development and provision for young children and babies
- Focus on understanding the key values and principles underpinning approaches used in England, and consider how these practices may inform and be adapted for implementation in a local context
- Offer support and services for Continuing Professional Development
- Offer training at very affordable fees that can be considered as being an investment for career development.
The aims of this programme are as follows:
- to engage participants with current understanding of leadership in the early years context
- to enable participants to gain an understanding of policy, framework and standards in early years setting
- to enable participants to understand statutory requirements and how to meet and fulfil these requirements and needs
- to enable participants to understand statutory requirements and how to meet and fulfil these requirements and needs
- to enable participants to develop skills for assessing the quality of early years settings and services
By the end of this programme, participants will have:
- demonstrated understanding, knowledge and skills in how to be an effective early years leader
- demonstrated an understanding and knowledge of government standards, principles and the framework for learning, development and care for children under five in England
- Engaged with the latest understanding of characteristics and features of high quality inclusive learning environments for young children and babies
- demonstrated an understanding of recent policy developments in early years provision, and of policy formation in settings
- acquired and demonstrated the knowledge and understanding to manage, lead and administer early years provision
- demonstrated knowledge and skills that will support their professional development in the early years field
- engaged in reflective practice to deepen understanding of effective leadership in the early years.
The Programme is delivered through workshops, seminars, classroom activities and teaching. The sessions are designed to be thought provoking, interactive and enjoyable.
The trainers uphold the highest of professional standards whilst delivering the course. The team of trainers are well qualified & experienced British native trainers who all have vast knowledge of delivering the programme overseas. The programme allows the trainers to understand the participants individual needs and requirements and provide tailored support and solutions.
Expert Trainers
Dr Hamer is an early years teacher, Registered Practitioner Psychologist, Chartered Scientist, Educational and Health Psychologist. She works Strategically, Operationally and as a practitioner across the statutory, voluntary, independent and private sectors for children and young people’s services promoting integration and best practice. Her interests include early years and learning, language and literacy, working with parents, listening to young children and working with disabled children, young people and their families. She has conducted original collaborative research evolving a model for ‘Parents in partnership with practitioners: Creating a reality’. Dr Hamer has developed Sure Start local programmes, and designed and delivered Children’s Centres. She works for a range of national organisations and delivers training, advice and support across the UK and internationally.
Miss Williams has over eight years experience of early years project management and training development gained through her work in national children’s charities in England. Miss Williams has overseen large-scale evidence based government funded programmes rolled out across the early years sector to support practice improvement.
Miss Williams has developed and delivered a range of training for early years leaders, managers, practitionersand volunteers including early literacy and listening to young children training.
Upon successful completion of the programme participants will be awarded a Birmingham College Certificate/Diploma in Early Years Leadership & Management.
- Professional Certificate in Early Years Leadership & Management (PCEYLM)
30 Classroom Teaching 20 Guided Self Study - Professional Diploma in Early Years Leadership & Management (PDEYLM)
60 Classroom Teaching 40 Guided Self Study
- Developing high quality learning environments which support children’s learning and development, promote children’s well-being and foster positive relationships between children, parents and staff.
- Introduction to UK early years settings
- Government framework for early years settings
- Introduction to UK principles which value play, exploration and active learning
- Characteristics and features of high quality inclusive environments
- Forming positive relationships with children and parents and the key person approach
- Strategies to communicate, engage and involve parents in their children’s learning
- The importance of community and multi-agency partnerships
- Focusing on the key role of leaders and managers in developing the workforce and ensuring high quality learning, development and provision
- Understanding leadership and management
- Effective leadership in securing and improving quality
- Understanding statutory duties and developing policies
- Quality improvement principles, systems and processes and securing impact
- Roles and responsibilities including effective supervision Accountability and self-evaluation to support continuous quality improvement
- Building partnership with parents, community and government agencies
- Managing conflict and complaint
- Ensuring the provision of safe, inclusive, enabling environments for all children and their families
- Child protection and safeguarding
- Equal opportunities and Inclusive practice
- Managing behaviour
- Managing transitions to support continuity for children and families
- Staff: child ratios
- Employing suitable staff and safe recruitment
- Staff qualifications, training, support and skills
- Professional standards and behaviour
- Premises and equipment
- Health and safety including accident or injury
- Risk assessment
- Outings and teaching outdoors
- Developing teacher learning to provide support and schallenge in the use and adaptation of UK framework and standards in a local context
- Leading interaction: Improving teaching strategies
- Promote reflective practice in which practice is reviewed in response to feedback
- Providing support and challenge in order to improve outcomes for all children
- Improving teaching & strategies for rapid Improvement and change management
- CPD planning and strategies to engage and motivate adults
- Sharing innovative practice
- Assessment to support progress, learning and development of individual children, and continuous quality improvement of the setting
- Knowledge and understanding of how babies and children learn and develop Children with special educational needs and disabilities
- Planning learning, development and care taking account of the needs of all children
- Use of assessment and progress checks
- Teaching activities and educational programmes for young children
- Sharing information with parents Information about the setting
- Changes that must be notified to the relevant government agency
- Action planning for leading practice
Please contact the programme co-ordinator or a member of the Birmingham College team for further information on:
- Programme Fees
- Programme Dates
- Programme Duration
- Programme Entry Requirements
Early Years Teacher Qualification
Early Years teachers and practitioners make the education and care of babies and children their first concern. They are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in their professional practice and conduct.
This programme focuses on developing an in-depth understanding of child development, up-to-date knowledge of areas of learning for babies and young children, and policies to support best practice. The programme emphasises positive relationships with young children, their parents and the wider community, and helps participants to build skills in working with families to maximise best outcomes for children.
- Overseas practitioners / teachers currently or recently working in Early Childhood services
- Individuals who have relevant experience with young children or can demonstrate interest in working in this field.
- Individuals who work in health- related services, withfamilies, or in specialist units for young children with additional needs.
Who is this training for?
The programme will:
- Build on your prior experience to develop and extend your skills as an early years practitioner/teacher and enhance your understanding of child development
- Focus on understanding key principles and approaches used in England to deliver high quality early years education and care, and consider how these practices may inform and be adapted for implementation in a local context
- Provide you with an overview of pedagogic approaches and curriculum use in England
- Offer support and for Continuing Professional Development
- Offer training at affordable prices and can be considered as being an investment for career development
The aims of this programme are as follows:
- to engage participants with current understanding of child development and pedagogic approaches used in the early years context in England
- to enable participants to gain an understanding of policy, frameworks and standards used in early years settings in England
- to enable participants to understand statutory requirements, including the early years curriculum, and how to meet and fulfil these requirements
- to promote the engagement of participants with current principles of partnership working to effectively support good outcomes for children
- to enable participants to develop skills for planning and assessing young children’s learning
By the end of this programme, participants will have:
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding in how to be an effective early years practitioner
- demonstrated an understanding of child development and how to plan and assess babies’ and young children’s learning and development
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the curriculum framework for learning, development and care for children under five used in England
- engaged with the latest understanding of characteristics of effective teaching and learning for babies and young children and
- acquired an understanding of recent policy developments in early years provision, and key policies required for early years settings
- demonstrated knowledge and skills that will support their professional development in the early years field including principles of partnership working
- engaged in reflective practice to deepen understanding of effective pedagogy in the early years
The Programme is delivered through workshops, seminars, classroom activities and teaching. The sessions are designed to be thought provoking, interactive and enjoyable.
The trainers uphold the highest of professional standards whilst delivering the course. The team of trainers are well qualified & experienced British native trainers who all have vast knowledge of delivering the programme overseas.
The programme allows the trainers to understand the participants individual needs and requirements and provide tailored support and solutions.
Expert Trainers
Dr Hamer is an early years teacher, Registered Practitioner Psychologist, Chartered Scientist, Educational and Health Psychologist. She works strategically, operationally and as a practitioner across the statutory, voluntary, independent and private sectors for children and young people’s services promoting integration and best practice. Her interests include early years and learning, language and literacy, Upon successful completion of the programme participants will be awarded a Birmingham College Certificate / Diploma / Higher Diploma in Early Years Teaching. 30 hours Classroom Teaching & 20 hours Guided Self Study working with parents, listening to young children and working with disabled children, young people and their families. She has conducted original collaborative research evolving a model for ‘Parents in partnership with practitioners: Creating a reality’. Dr Hamer has developed Sure Start local programmes, and designed and delivered Children’s Centres. She works for a range of national organisations and delivers training, advice and support across the UK and internationally.
Miss Williams has over eight years experience of early years project management and training development gained through her work in national children’s charities in England. Miss Williams has overseen large-scale evidence based government funded programmes rolled out across the early years sector to support practice improvement.
Miss Williams has developed and delivered a range of training for early years leaders, managers, practitioners and volunteers including early literacy and listening to young children training.
Upon successful completion of the programme participants will be awarded a Birmingham College Certificate / Diploma / Higher Diploma in Early Years Teaching.
Professional Certificate in Early Years Teaching (PCEYT)
30 Classroom Teaching 20 Guided Self Study
Professional Diploma in Early Years Teaching (PDEYT)
60 Classroom Teaching 40 Guided Self Study
Professional Higher Diploma in Early Years Teaching (PHDEYT)
90 Classroom Teaching 60 Guided Self Study
- Developing high quality learning environments which support children’s learning and development, promote children’s well-being and foster positive relationships between children, parents and staff
- Introduction to working in early years
- Introduction to UK practice in early years settings
- Introduction to UK standards, framework and principles
- The importance of involving parents in their children’s learning
- Introducing the seven areas of learning and development and characteristics of effective teaching and learning.
- Giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; and to speak and listen in a range of situations.
- Communication and Language: Listening and attention
- Communication and Language: Understanding
- Communication and Language: Speaking
- Developing Communication skills through songs, rhymes and storytelling
- Providing opportunities for children to be active and interactive
- Lifestyle choices
- Helping children develop confidence, positive relationships and manage their feelings.
- Making relationships
- Managing feelings and behaviour
- Encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write and. giving children access to a wide range of reading materials to ignite their interest.
- Reading
- Writing
- Providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and describing shapes, spaces, and measures.
- Problem solving
- Mathematics: Numbers
- Mathematics: Shape, space and measure
- Guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.
- People and communities
- The World Technology
- Cultural Awareness
- Enabling children to explore and play with a range of media and providing opportunities for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology.
- Exploring and using media and material
- Being imaginative
- Child development and pedagogic approaches
- Introduction to how babies and children learn and develop
- Working with babies
- Working with two year olds
- Working with three to five year olds
- The role of the Key Person to support attachment, transitions and positive relationships
- Playing and exploring
- Active learning
- Creating and thinking critically
Characteristics of effective teaching and learning:
- Facilitating effective partnerships for learning and development
- Involving and listening to young children
- Partnership with parents
- Working with vulnerable children and families
- Providing learning opportunities for children to explore the English language
- Valuing home language
- Understanding and speaking English
- Sharing books in English
- Creating high quality settings which are welcoming, safe and stimulating, and where children are able to enjoy learning and grow in confidence
- Staying Healthy
- Child Protection First Aid
- Food Safety
- Keeping Safe
- Recognising and supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Managing Behaviour
- Helping parents, carers and practitioners to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, and to plan activities and support.
- Ongoing assessment
- Observing children
- Planning learning, development and care taking account of the needs of all children
- Assessing, and supporting, children with special educational needs and disabilities
- Progress checks
- Meeting information requirements
- Sharing information with parents
- Action planning for practice
Please contact the programme co-ordinator or a member of the Birmingham College team for further information on:
- Programme Fees
- Programme Dates
- Programme Duration
- Programme Entry Requirements
IELTS Teacher Training

The College is a leading education provider in the UK and overseas, with British Council accreditation (for the teaching of English in the UK) and English UK membership. The College provides its expertise to schools, centres, universities and colleges in more than 10 countries and has been granted contracts at local and national government level overseas.
Birmingham College is an evolving and innovative college with a growing reputation for excellence in education. The College provides a caring and supportive environment, enriched by a unique blend of academic expertise, forward thinking and a range of ongoing research projects.
The IELTS examination continues to grow in popularity as a practical method of evidencing English language competency. It enables students to progress onto higher educational qualifications taught in the medium of English, medical professionals to gain access to NHS posts in the UK and migrants to strengthen visa applications for English speaking countries.
The programmes have been designed and developed for individuals and members of ELT departments interested in teaching IELTS courses effectively in order to support their students and improve their own employability.
Module Options*:
This short course is aimed at school teachers and freelance ELT tutors who work with Young Learners, or elementary/pre-intermediate adult learners of English who would like to develop an insight into IELTS and acquire skills to help their students shift focus from General English to IELTS and EAP.
This intensive course is aimed at school teachers and freelance ELT tutors who work with Young Learners or elementary/pre-intermediate adult learners of English who expect to progress onto undergraduate higher education programmes taught in the medium of English.
The programme combines IELTS examination preparation with developing the mindset and motivation of learners. It is also suitable for course leaders and Heads of Department with a strong command of English language.
This intensive course is aimed at school teachers, college or university lecturers and freelance ELT tutors who work with Young Learners (aged 16-18), or pre-intermediate /intermediate adult learners of English who intend to progress onto undergraduate higher education programmes taught in the medium of English.
The programme combines IELTS examination preparation with developing the mindset and motivation of learners. It is also suitable for course leaders and Heads of Department with a strong command of English language.
This intensive course is aimed at English language teachers who are working with learners aiming to study on undergraduate or postgraduate higher education courses taught in the medium of English. It is also suitable for course leaders and Heads of Department.
[* If the course organisers are of the opinion that an applicant would not benefit from the programme because of their present English language skills and/or knowledge, an 'English for IELTS Booster' programme can be arranged.]
There are a number of benefits of attending the programmes. The programmes will:
- Teach you how to become an IELTS preparation specialist with an understanding of the examination contents and the skills required to achieve specific IELTS bands (Options B, C & D).
- Focus on understanding and implementing best British educational practices in examination preparation and language learning.
- Consolidate and develop your own English language fluency and competency through interaction and guidance with the expert course instructors and exploring the self-access and authentic materials websites recommended.
- Offer support and services for Continuing Professional Development , which can include self-study websites, updates of new publications, books and CPD activities.
- Offer training at very affordable fees and should be considered as being an investment for career development.
- Provides you with the key features for running a successful IELTS preparation course (Options B, C & D).
- Develops your own skills in teaching and professional development, with an emphasis on Learner Autonomy and Assessment for Learning, thereby guiding you to develop your own CPD IELTS teaching pathway (Options A, B, C & D).
- Develops your own English language skills and competencies (Options A, B, C & D).
- Supports you to help your learners and identify strategies that can be deployed to overcome difficulties in teaching the four skills tested in IELTS and the sub-skills required by different levels of students to achieve their desired IELTS targets (Options B, C & D).
- Highlights teaching IELTS effectively, either for all levels or focused at particular IELTS targets (Options B, C & D).
Please note that the degree of detail, range of tasks and theory included varies according to the level of the programme.
Option Workshops for days 1 - 5:
- Overview of IELTS Academic and General Training modules. Learners' attitudes to the IELTS examination.
- The skills and knowledge learners need and the implications for IELTS preparation.
- Overview of published IELTS materials available.
- The importance of 'Assessment for Learning' in education and the role of 'mindset', motivation and learner autonomy.
- IELTS Reading: skills and strategies, including the importance of cohesion & implications for vocabulary teaching and course design.
- IELTS Speaking I: the marking criteria* and skills required. Teaching ideas and examination tips (fluency & pronunciation).
- Option Workshops: implications for:
A. introducing IELTS
B & C. developing skills and introducing learner training activities for pre-intermediate & intermediate students
D. classroom activities for bands 6.0 to 7.0+ candidates.
- IELTS Writing (Task 2): the marking criteria* and skills/knowledge required. Teaching ideas and examination tips.
- IELTS Speaking II: the marking criteria* and skills required. Teaching ideas and examination tips (grammar & vocabulary).
- Option Workshops: implications for:
A. introducing IELTS
B & C. developing skills and introducing learner training activities for pre-intermediate & intermediate students
D. classroom activities & self-access suggestions for bands & self-access suggestions for 6.0 to 7.0+ candidates.
- IELTS Writing (Task 1): the marking criteria* and skills/knowledge required. Teaching ideas and examination tips.
- IELTS Listening: skills and strategies for the 4 sections. Teaching ideas and examination tips.
- Option Workshops: implications for:
A. introducing IELTS
B & C. developing skills and introducing learner training activities for pre-intermediate & intermediate students
D. classroom activities & self-access suggestions for bands & self-access suggestions for 6.0 7.0+ candidates. The use of course books and supplementary materials in course design.
(Organised by Option Groups, participant numbers permitting):
The focus on Day 5 is on preparing learners to achieve their desired targets and some activities will be participant-led seminars with the tasks set on previous days.
- Review of the importance of developing learner autonomy and critical thinking skills.
- Review of reading and listening strategies (Options C & D).
- Approaches to extending general world knowledge (Options A & B).
- The transition from General English to IELTS (Options A & B).
- Using authentic past IELTS examination papers in class (Options C & D).
- Identifying learner problems and giving formative feedback for IELTS writing and speaking.
- Common problems in grammar and vocabulary for IELTS. IELTS preparation course design.
- The potential of technology-enhanced learning on IELTS courses.
- CPD recommendations for participants.
[* Please note that the IELTS marking criteria used on the course is the version in the public domain. Under no circumstances can the Birmingham College trainers refer to confidential IELTS examiner guides.]
Birmingham College hopes to be able to offer the following opportunities, depending on availability at the time of running the programme and permission.
- An option of sitting a mock IELTS exam before the course
- Lesson observations
- Work opportunities following the successful completion of the course.
The course assessment is portfolio-based and includes lesson material evaluation (25%), analysis, evaluation and remedial teaching strategies for sample IELTS writing (25%) and speaking examples (20%), a reflective learner journal (20%) and participation and attendance (10%). (Please note assessment tasks and pass criteria vary according to the programme you follow).
The duration of the programme is up to 30 contact hours, plus time for self study. The Programme is delivered through workshops, seminars, classroom activities and teaching. There are also opportunities for 1-1 tutorials. The sessions are designed to be thought-provoking, interactive and enjoyable.
We ask for 100% attendance.
This programme is designed specifically for teachers teaching the English language. Participants for Option A & B should have equivalent IELTS 5.0 or above. In order to teach IELTS from 5.0 – 7.0+ targets it is expected that you have English teaching experience and are familiar with the metalanguage of language learning and a range of materials.
Participants who do not meet the requirements should join Birmingham College's English Language Programmes.
Participants who attend the course, complete assignments and demonstrate development through their contributions and self-reflection learner journal will receive the IELTS Teacher Award / Certificate awarded by Birmingham College upon successful completion of the programme.
Birmingham College is independent to IELTS. The IELTS Teacher course and qualification is accredited and awarded by Birmingham College
PHD / DBA Research Proposal Development Progamme
- Intro
- Studying
Requirement - Research
Proposal - Potential
Supervisor(s) - University
Admissions - Delivery
This interactive and intensive programme has been designed for doctoral researchers and will look at practical ways to increase your effectiveness and meet the challenges of admission requirements of eminent UK Universities. An admission success rate is very low, sometimes below 10% at leading universities and key weaknesses of unsuccessful applications are the research proposal and level of academic English.
- Opportunities to visit a minimum of 3 university campuses to become familiar with the learning environment
- Increase English language proficiency level to IELTS 7.00 or above
- Prepare and develop a PhD/DBA Research proposal as per university standards
- Meet with potential university supervisors/admission officers and discuss opportunities for admission
This programme is aimed at students/individual professionals who are interested in undertaking a PhD or DBA at good ranking British universities.
To join the programme, an applicant must comply with the following entry requirements:
- Hold an Honours degree (in some cases you will also need to have completed a Masters degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant subject awarded by an approved university), or
- Hold an alternative qualification or qualifications and/or evidence of experience indicating an applicant’s potential for academic research
- English Requirements: Minimum IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
Entry onto PhD/ DBA programmes at good ranking universities is highly competitive and relevant skills, attributes, motivation and potential for success of an individual are taken into consideration when making an offer.
To achieve a secured admission at the university, the applicant:
- Must have IELTS 7.0 (or above) in English Language (or similar recognised evidence such as TOEFL or PTE)
- Must identify a research area and submit a quality research proposal as per university standards and format
- Must find a potential supervisor(s)
- Must complete admissions procedures e.g. application, visits / interviews successfully
To achieve a secured admission at the university, the applicant must have IELTS 7.00 (or above) in English Language.
We have specially designed an academic English programme to meet the requirements of university admission. The programme details are as follows:
- Examination strategies and techniques for the Reading and Listening papers.
- Grading criteria for Writing and Speaking components.
- Grammar areas essential for achieving 7.0+ in Writing and Speaking.
- Text organisation study for IELTS and all academic reading and writing.
- The importance of pronunciation and intonation in the Speaking component and all oral communication.
- The importance of collocation in Writing and Speaking for IELTS and all communication.
- Every learner is treated as an individual with their own strengths and weakness. Therefore, participants have their own Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and tutors can advise on materials and methods to help.
- The staff understand how stressful reaching the target IELTS bands can be. The programme gives learners the opportunity to share experiences and support each other, rather than feel isolated.
- Classes are a combination of teaching examination techniques and strategies, plus timed examination tasks. There are also opportunities for peer and selfevaluation.
- Tutors will recommend self-study websites for skills development and practice for IELTS, Academic English and Study Skills.
- An IELTS examiner is a member of the ELT team to ensure advice, materials and methods are relevant to the actual IELTS examination.
The Programme offers a broad and comprehensive range of services, resources and opportunities to develop a draft doctorate research proposal that is acceptable to UK universities as a part of their admission requirements.
Develop and submit an initial research proposal. Please note that the level of detail required in your initial research proposal will depend on the programme you choose.
All universities in the UK require a research proposal of between 1000 and 1500 words specifying the subject of the proposed research. Please note that there is no set format or prescribed length for a research project. This depends on the university chosen.
A research proposal generally consists of an outline of your proposed research project, including your main research questions and the methods you intend to use. You should also comment on the potential impact and importance of your intended research and on how your work would interact with current trends in your academic field.
Areas covered
- Rationale of PhD and DBA
- PhD and DBA in the UK – successful and failure cases
- What PhD and DBA project planning involves
- Making the most of your PhD/DBA - planning for the future
- Why research development is so important
- Working with others in the research environment
- Maximising your impact
- Initial sources of ideas
- Topic requirements at masters level
- Research process revisited
- Role of preliminary literature search
- Evaluation of ideas
- What makes a good topic
- A good research topic
- The structure of the proposal
- Aims/objectives
- Data: What is data? Discuss
- Quantitative data
- Qualitative data
- Choosing data sources
- Choosing methods of collecting
- Proposal Parameters & Research Paradigm (Philosophies)
- What are research parameters and a research paradigm?
- Types of research paradigms
- Epistemological, ontological and methodological issues
- Writing Your Research Proposal
- Structure
- Contents
- Referencing
- Timetable
- Literature review
- Ethical considerations
- Methods/approach and timescale of research
- References and bibliography
- Appendix
In the UK, all Doctoral Researchers are provided with a lead supervisor, who will act as the main source of academic supervisory support and research mentoring during your time as a Doctoral Researcher at the University. The appointment of supervisor(s) is generally decided between the prospective student and the lead supervisor. The participant will need to identify potential supervisors in their desired field of research and contact them directly regarding your research proposal.
The College will help the participant to contact potential supervisor once areas of research are identified before submitting an application to the University.
The College will assist participants in completing an application and submission with the required documents to at least three universities. The students will receive support in arranging an interview with university staff.
We will try our best to support and guide you to complete admission requirements that lead a secured admission for you at your chosen university. However, other options will be explored in case of difficulties in meeting the requirements of your first choice university.
Participants are placed in learning groups to work on a range of activities both in and outside a classroom setting. From this you will gain an awareness of your performance as an individual and in a team. You will use and develop skills that are essential for a researcher including communication skills, planning, time management, problem solving, leadership and assertiveness, as well as building a greater self-awareness of your learning and working styles.
An individual supervisor will be provided to support and guide you in developing your research proposal in your chosen subject area
The programme will be delivered by independent professors and senior lecturers who are vastly experienced and have supervised doctoral students.
English language studies will be delivered by senior staff who have considerable experience in teaching English for Academic Purposes and IELTS preparation. Please note that all English language programmes at Birmingham College are accredited by the British Council.
The duration of the programme is 4 weeks. However it could be extended to 10 weeks depending on the needs of an individual.
The fees for the 4-week programme include 16 hours face-to-face teaching and research development consultancy and guidance on a 1-1 basis. In addition to this, £40 per hour will be charged to applicants who require additional support e.g. intensive English.
The group size will be with a maximum of 5 participants at each session. The programme is offered a number of times throughout the year to provide opportunity for all to attend.

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